PMDC monitors, celebrates progress of National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act

By Dan Carrigan

The PMDC this year has been closely tracking the progress of the Dr. Emmanuel Bilirakis and Honorable Jennifer Wexton National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act — a landmark piece
of legislation aimed at prioritizing research funding, streamlining treatment approvals and enhancing care standards to combat Parkinson’s disease.

Introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022, it marked Congress’s inaugural focus on legislation dedicated to curing and preventing Parkinson’s disease as well as ensuring quality care, according to the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA).

Virginia has played a pivotal role
in recent legislative victories. Representing Virginia’s 10th District, Wexton collaborated with Parkinson’s advocates statewide and the APDA’s Virginia Chapter.

“It’s heartening to witness the congressional focus and support dedicated to addressing the challenges posed
by Parkinson’s disease,” “says PMDC Director Brian Berman, M.D., M.S. 
“As we vigilantly monitored the progress of this legislation in 2024, we’re reminded of the collective determination to improve the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s and drive advancements in research and care.”

The comprehensive legislation calls for establishing an advisory council to unite the Parkinson’s community — patients, caregivers, providers, advocates and more — with federal officials to develop strategies for eradicating Parkinson’s.

Key elements also include seeking increased funding for research, streamlining treatment approval processes, raising public awareness and nationwide enhancements to early diagnosis.