Advancing understanding of movement disorders
A goal of the VCU Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center is to advance the understanding of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders, in terms of both defining biological causes and developing novel treatments. Ongoing clinical research is necessary to achieve this important goal. A unique feature of our center is the on-site collaboration of clinician specialists representing several disciplines that bring a diverse knowledge and perspective to clinical research investigations.
The VCU Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Center conducts both observational and interventional research projects.
Observational: Extracting and analyzing information from both clinical care and specific clinical research evaluations
Interventional: Testing of a novel cognitive or exercise treatment, or a trial of an experimental drug or device
Participation in research projects is always voluntary, can be stopped at any time, and will not affect client access to the Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center evaluation or treatment process.
Learn about current research projects:
- Early disease motor treatments
- Dyskinesias
- Gait freezing
- Sleep and cognition
- Genetic testing
- Biomarker development
- Imaging studies
- Supportive services and healthcare navigation
Researchers at the PMDC are working hard to find ways to stop the progression of Huntington’s disease, an incurable hereditary disorder that causes progressive difficulty in controlling movements, as well as changes in cognition and personality.
Our center is participating with several other research hospitals in a trial of a gene therapy that seeks to lower the amount of the disease-causing protein that causes brain cells to die in Huntington’s patients. Our researchers are also taking part in a clinical trial of a novel drug that might help improve cognitive symptoms of that disease.
- Natural history
- Gene therapy
We have an active research program and are a site for multiple clinical trials at any given time. We are currently an active site for Enroll-HD. Clinical research visits are conducted at the Short Pump Pavilion or the Clinical Research Services Unit at VCU Medical Center.
We are happy to contact any interested HD families with research opportunity updates. We are developing programs for everyone: those with HD, at risk, and family members!
For more information about our clinical research program, please contact Heather Ward at Heather.Ward@vcuhealth.org or (804) 382-0076.
VCU is hoping to find answers that will help us improve the quality of life for people living with dystonia, as well as insights into what causes it and better ways to diagnosis it. With a half-dozen studies into dystonia underway here, PMDC is among a handful of medical centers nationwide pursuing research into a disorder that’s not well understood and is often misdiagnosed.
- Natural history and biorepository
- Imaging studies
- Patient-centered outcomes
Interested in participating?
The center relies on volunteers to partner with us to achieve these goals and advance the understanding of movement disorders. By participating in clinical research, individuals have the opportunity to contribute to the discovery of new medications and therapies to treat movement disorders.
If you are interested in being a participant in a research study, please contact us at 804-628-2022 or email us at pdcenter@vcuhealth.org.
The VCU Center for Clinical and Translational Research office provides information for potential research volunteers.
Clinical Research outside VCU
You can find additional information on clinical research studies outside of VCU at https://clinicaltrials.gov/.